FREE EBOOK A Course on Words


A Course on Words

A Course on Words

by Waldo E. Sweet, Glenn M. Knudsvig

Category: Book
Binding: Paperback
Number of Pages:
Total Offers :
Rating: 4.0
Total Reviews: 5

Results A Course on Words

World Wide Words A message from the author ~ The English language is forever changing New words appear old ones fall out of use or alter their meanings World Wide Words tries to record at least a part of this shifting wordscape by featuring new words word histories words in the news and the curiosities of native English speech

Vocabulary Pictures Game 1 Food Drinks 2 ~ Copyright C 2005 by Charles Kelly The JavaScript code was written by Regine BD and was modified by Charles Kelly Used with Permission The images come from the

Ninjawords a really fast dictionary ~ A really fast online dictionary A really fast fast like a ninja

EMMA LAZARUS FAMOUS POEM THE NEW COLOSSUS ~ Statue of Liberty National Monument Emma Lazarus’ Famous Poem A poem by Emma Lazarus is graven on a tablet within the pedestal on which the statue stands

Wordle Create ~ Paste in a bunch of text Go

Neuroscience For Kids stroop effect ~ TRY IT New Stroop Tests Here are three new variations of the Stroop Effect that you may not have seen Try this Interactive DIRECTIONAL Stroop Effect computer will keep track of the time it takes you to say the LOCATION of the words